Your Input Needed


Please provide input by TUESDAY, MARCH 8 on how we can best direct visitors to our community's assets.

The Town of Mansfield is embarking on the development of a town-wide wayfinding program or system, working with a firm called Merje Design.

What is "wayfinding"? It is how people orient themselves in physical space and navigate from place to place. Think about your experience finding your way around an airport, in a parking garage, or along a hiking trail--wayfinding helps you find your destination easily.

The system we are creating will help people find their way in Mansfield and encourage visitors to discover our attractions and community assets.

We are currently beginning the Discovery Phase of the project. During this stage, Merje Design will be gathering information that will help inform the design of the system. We invite you to take this survey to share information about how you think people find their way around Mansfield and what "hidden gems" within our community you think visitors would appreciate.

We appreciate you taking the time to be part of the planning and design process. Please fill out the survey by Tuesday, March 8 so the Merje consulting team has time to incorporate the results into its analysis.

Click here to begin the survey.