Our Committees

The Mansfield Downtown Partnership benefits from a strong committee structure comprised of volunteers from our community. Please contact the Partnership if you are interested in serving on a committee.




  • Kyle Muncy, Chair

  • Toni Moran, Vice President

  • Sean Vasington, Treasurer

Possesses and exercises all powers of the Board of Directors during intervals between Board meetings other than the power to add to, amend, or repeal the Bylaws or any other matters limited by specific resolution of the Board

Reviews Executive Director Work Plan at six-month intervals

Monitors performance of Executive Director; prepares annual performance review for Board consideration (in conjunction with Finance and Administration Committee)

Develops personnel policies for Executive Director and other staff

Click here for agendas and minutes




  • Emily Wicks, Chair

  • Christine Ballestrini

  • Louis Goffinet

  • Sabrina Hosmer

  • Jocelyn Santiago

  • Noah Yilmaz

Plans and coordinates annual Celebrate Mansfield Festival

Click here for agendas and minutes


Finance & Growth


  • Toni Moran, Chair

  • Ryan Aylesworth

  • Mario Conjura

  • Steve Ferrigno

  • Shamim Patwa

Develops and monitors annual budget/projections

Reviews quarterly financial reports and reports to Board of Directors

Develops and updates financial policies

Monitors investments and fund balance

Ensures sustainable funding for the Partnership in conjunction with the Board of Directors

Click here for agendas and minutes




  • Kyle Muncy, Chair

  • Diana Pelletier

  • Ron Schurin

  • Sean Vasington

Nominates, orients, evaluates, and engages Board members

Monitors committees/task forces, their charges, and their work

Click here for agendas and minutes

Our Staff

Kathleen M. Paterson, Acting Executive Director and Senior Communications Manager | Email Kathleen

Rosemary Watson, Administrative Assistant | Email Rosemary