
Cara Workman has worked at the University of Connecticut for over 20 years and is a double alumna; BA and MBA. She currently serves as the Senior Director of Operations, Office of the President and Director, University Events and Conference Services. Ms. Workman’s relationship with the MDP began by assisting the Partnership in communicating UConn calendar and visitor information to area merchants. This led to her membership on the Partnership’s Advertising and Promotion Committee, followed by the Positioning Task Force and Board appointment. Ms. Workman’s volunteer involvement includes the creation of the Mansfield Pup Crawl, as well as helping with the Celebrate Mansfield Festival, the Partnership’s table at UConn’s Orientation, and many other Partnership events.

“Although I reside in Willington, I have always felt a connection to Mansfield. The MDP has provided, and continues to provide, an opportunity to have an impact on the community of stakeholders that live, work, and visit the Town and the University in a direct and meaningful way.”